Wednesday (shiver)...This is how it started...
Several years ago, My kids took lessons at a local swim school. They have this really cool clear box. It is maybe an inch under the surface of the water. When you stand on it, it appears you are walking on water.
Wednesday, my son and daughter decided they would attempt to duplicate the box. We have a 12ft by 3 1/2 ft pool set up on our patio. The kids had rescued a salamander from our cat and put it in a 10 gallon aquarium. At some point this great idea crossed their minds and my son took the aquarium, flipped it upside down to form a step. Where was I? Since they are 12 and 8yrs old, I don't feel the need to sit right beside the pool to watch. The pool again is only 3 1/2 feet deep and is more for just cooling off. I was sitting in the living room beside the patio door. My son decided to try the new invention first and successfully stood on top, he is 8. My 12 yr old daughter then attempts and (shiver) the aquarium gives way and her leg crashes through.
53 stitches later - She is resting comfortably (due to large amounts of heavy narcotics). It is now Friday and although her leg looks incredible for being less then 48hrs old, it is still makes me cringe! It will heal and she will have some cool scars, and this will all be a distant memory and a HUGE lesson learned. The ER staff was incredible and my daughter was a side show once the screaming subsided - Nobody could believe the damage that was done, I think she enjoyed the company and the cute ambulance drivers!
Oh my goodness! That is awful. So glad she is ok!
ReplyDeleteCringe...Shiver...feel nauseous...cringe again. Pass on our love!!
ReplyDeleteThat is horrifying!! She is going to have some wicked cool scars to impress all the boys with, though! Hope she's feeling ok. I can't stop shuddering!
ReplyDeleteThank you, she will have very cool scars!